“Speak Terrible Japanese in Only 14 Days” is a great thing. Why?
Because spending 3 months learning Japanese and still not being able to say something basic sucks. Your motivation to learn dies before you even speak a Japanese sentence. You hate it. We hate it. It’s a waste of time.
Forget about perfect. We’re not here to make you a grammar guru overnight. But, we’ll help you learn the language as if you need to be there in 2 weeks (just enough to get by). And that’s the magic.
We cut through the noise and give you what you need: words you can use now. None of that stuffy grammar stuff or perfect sentence structure to slow you down. In two weeks, you’ll know enough words to throw them together and actually be understood.
Will your sentences be perfect? Absolutely not. But will they work? Oh yeah.
As for grammar? We’ll get to that later. Right now, it’s all about getting your message across when you visit there. You’ll speak rough, you’ll speak raw, but you’ll get your point across.
So why wait? Get talking, and let’s learn proper Japanese later when you have got momentum going. Then you’ll have more motivation to learn.